Sunday 1 April 2012

Appologies! And appreciation...

OK. Here I want to express my appologies because I didn't update this wonderful blog for a majorly long time.... Soooooo sorry... :) (Do accept my appology.. I've already did a cute smiley face...)

Well for my recent story, I want to say I'm very thankful. why? because I've already got my SPM results.. (which is the result for my O-level exam) and thank god I've excelled it! yeay!!!.... I'd never expected that I got those results like that. I mean c'mon! 9As and 1B... That is greatly satisfying...

So here are my list of thank you..

1) Thanks to God the Almighty Creator for giving me this luck... My world had never been better...
2) To my parents who never gave up giving me the moral supports that I needed eventhough I've always flunked my other exams...
3) To the wonderful teachers that never gave up giving me the knowledge that is not only beneficial for me in taking the exam but throughout my life..
4) To my dear friends that are always by my side and never get bored by my questionares...

So this is all for this entri... I'll try to update this as more frequently as I'll be at my house most of the time. or if not I'll be in my driving class, learning how to drive.. (err... Obvious much??) Thank you all for reading this entri of mine... I'll see you guys soon!


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